Do you want to know which is the newest and most effective methodology to teach?
If the answer is YES, stay with us. In today's post CLIL!

Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is a term created in 1994 as a methodology similar to but distinct from language immersion and content-based instruction. It is an approach for learning content through an additional language (foreing or second), thus teaching both the subject and the language.

CLIL is fundamentally based on methodological principles established by research on "language immersion". Learners may be encouraged to:
- Predict what will happen
- Carry out simple investigations or experiments
- Describe and record what they observe
- Find patterns, notice similarities and differences
- Compare results
- Draw conclusions...

Now we are going to learn the theory and possible applications of the following linguistic and psycholinguistic tenet: BLOOM'S TAXONOMY OF LEARNING DOMAINS

Today there is international recognition that education is more than just learning knowledge and thinking. It also involves learner's feelings, beliefs and cultural environment of the classroom. This theory helps teachers analyse the level of difficulty of the task and also, it is very useful to classify the thinking processes from simples to more complex.


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